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You already know that #MovementsMatter. So what do you do if you notice a change? SEEK HELP.

This is the most critical part of monitoring your baby's movements during pregnancy: If you notice any changes, you need to get checked out RIGHT away. Even if you have an appointment soon, it's better to #AlwaysAsk, and don't hesitate to #UseYourMomVoice to ensure your concerns are heard. Remember: no one knows your baby better than YOU!

Download our International Consensus Statement on Fetal Movement & How to Keep Your Baby Safe (PDF) here!

Consensus Statement Graphic Square.png
What should I do if I notice a change in fetal movement?

Go to the hospital immediately if you notice any changes or feel concerned. They are available 24/7 for you and your baby to get checked. Don't put off getting checked until the next day, and don't wait until your next scheduled appointment.

You can call your provider to let them know you are coming. However, you do not need their permission to go in or to get checked. Concerns about movements cannot be checked from home - you need to go to the hospital immediately.

A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. If reported promptly, there is a window of opportunity in which your or your baby’s life may be saved.


Some examples of a change include less movement, weaker movements, or an unusual rapid increase in movement (anything noticeably different from your baby's normal patterns and which might be described as "frantic" "wild" "jerky" "going crazy" etc.). Trust your gut instincts.

You should not be discharged until you are happy with your baby's movements. Do NOT go home if you are not feeling reassured.


DO NOT use handheld monitors, dopplers, or phone apps to check your baby’s heartbeat. Even if you detect a heartbeat, this does not mean your baby is well.

DO NOT waste time drinking cold water or eating something sugary to get your baby moving, or starting a new kick count, even if asked by a healthcare professional - just go get checked out immediately.

What if I notice a change in my baby’s movements again? 
You should get your baby checked immediately every time it happens. Even if everything was fine last time, your baby needs to be checked again. You're always doing the right thing by getting your baby checked.

Why are my baby’s movements important? 
Most parents who had a stillbirth noticed their baby’s movements had changed. A change in movement can also be a warning sign of other problems. The sooner you seek care, the sooner you and your baby can be checked and given the right care. This could save your or your baby's life.

  • It is NOT true that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy

  • Babies do NOT run out of room

  • You should continue to feel your baby move right up to the time you go into labor and during labor too

More in-depth info below about changes in fetal movement - keep reading to learn more!

Speaking Up Can Save a Life - Really!

If you or someone you know is experiencing a change in their baby's movements during pregnancy, it is absolutely critical that you speak up.


Pregnant families often worry that they will be "bothering" their healthcare providers by calling with concerns. Nothing can be further from the truth. Your provider wants to hear from you with every concern. Their top priority is keeping you and your baby safe. If someone you love is debating whether or not to seek medical care, your encouragement could be the push they need to take swift action - and that action can have life-changing results:


Mabel's Story

"When I arrived at [my 37 week] appointment, I indicated to the nurse that the baby was not moving as much as she normally did. The nurse attempted to reassure me by telling me that babies move less at the end of pregnancy because they run out of room [which I now know is a dangerous myth]. Shortly after beginning the growth scan, the sonographer discovered that I had lost over half of my amniotic fluid. I had no sign that my water was leaking. I was immediately induced, and our sweet Mabel Rose arrived quickly, but healthy. The only red flag that there was a problem with the pregnancy was my daughter’s change in movement." --Meghan A., Mabel’s mom

Kai-Dalton's Story

"At 37 weeks I went to my scheduled appointment and despite my and the nurses’ efforts to get him to move, he failed his NST and BPP. At this point, I was telling the healthcare team that my baby is normally active, this was not his normal movement, and I just knew something was wrong. The care team kept telling me he was just sleeping and felt it would be OK for me to go home [but] I insisted that I needed to stay. Only after strongly advocating to stay did the doctor agree to induce me. Thankfully, I did deliver my son healthy, but with the cord around his neck and arm which was certainly restricting his movement. Kai-Dalton was telling me something was wrong, and I am glad I had the knowledge about his movement, so I felt empowered to speak up." --Vanessa O., Kai-Dalton’s mom

Piper's Story

"I noticed that my daughter was moving, but her movements were slower and felt different than before. I called my OB and they had me report to the hospital. During [testing, my doctor] too became concerned about her movement and determined that the best thing for Piper was to deliver her via C-section at 28 weeks. Upon delivery, [the doctors] noticed placental damage and what looked to be the beginnings of a full placental abruption. Piper’s lifeline was failing and not getting her enough of the oxygen and nutrients she needed to grow and thrive. I am so grateful I had been tracking Piper’s movements with the Count the Kicks App because it supported my intuition that something was wrong, and that I needed to speak up on behalf of my daughter. Her pregnancy could have ended so very differently." --Kendra P., Piper’s mom

Read these baby save stories & many more from Count the Kicks!

In-Depth FAQs About Fetal Movements
Why are my baby’s movements important?

Your baby's movements are a sign of their wellbeing. A reduction or change in your baby’s movements can sometimes be a warning sign that they're unwell. It's important to know that: 1. It's NOT true that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy 2. You should continue to feel your baby move right up to the time you go into labor and while you are in labor too 3. When babies are unwell, they slow down their movements to preserve energy. When you feel less movements it could be a sign that your baby is unwell 4. There is time to intervene. Come to the hospital straight away so that your baby can be checked out. If there is something wrong this gives time to help your baby 5. While stillbirth is very rare, it is 10 times more likely to happen than SIDS. Studies have shown that over half of women who experienced a stillbirth noticed a reduction in baby movements

What does a baby’s movement feel like?

A baby’s movements can be anything from a kick, flutter, punch, swish or roll. The type of movement may change as your pregnancy progresses. Baby movement is often referred to as "baby kicks." Hiccups do not count because they are involuntary movements.

How often should my baby move?

All babies are different! There is no set number of normal movements. From 16 – 24 weeks on you should feel your baby move more and more until 32 weeks. After 32 weeks, movements should stay roughly the same until you give birth. It's important to get to know *your* baby's regular pattern of movement.

Why is it important to count baby kicks?

Counting your baby’s kicks (and jabs, pokes and rolls!) is important because a change in movement in the third trimester is often the earliest sign of distress in a baby. When moms know what is normal for their baby, then they are more alert to potential red flags. We frequently hear from moms whose babies were saved because they noticed a change in their baby’s movement pattern and alerted their healthcare provider.

What is a session of movement?

Moms all perceive movement differently, meaning it isn't possible to specify what makes up a session for everyone. Essentially, it's any length of time your baby is awake and moving before going back to sleep. The key is to be consistent. Points of reference are helpful too. Does your baby move more in the morning? Do they have a party as you get comfortable in bed? Do they get excited when you eat? Make a mental note, it helps you get to know your baby.

Is stillbirth really still a concern in the US?

Unfortunately, yes. Across the US, over 21,000 babies are lost to stillbirth every year. Statistically, that means 1 out of every 170 pregnancies ends in stillbirth. For Black families, that number is even more alarming – 1 in 96!

I’m confused, why are you asking me to monitor movements throughout the day and also count kicks once a day?

Your baby can become unwell at any point in the day, so it's important to always be aware. If you feel your baby moving less, do not wait until after you complete your daily kick count to go get checked. Go in as soon as you notice changes in your baby's normal movement pattern.

What are other benefits of fetal movement tracking?

Fetal movement tracking helps you to bond with your baby. Taking time to count your baby's kicks provides a special time for you to focus on your baby’s movements and personality. It is also a good time for your partner and older children to share this experience with you and bond with the baby.

My baby is always active. Do I really need to track movement?

Active babies can also experience distress, sometimes quickly and without other warning signs. Tracking your baby’s movement every day takes the guesswork out of knowing if your normally active baby has slowed down. You have real data to show your healthcare provider if you have a concern.

I’m past the first trimester. Shouldn't I be in the "safe zone?"

Sadly, there is no "safe zone" in pregnancy. According to the CDC, one out of every 170 pregnancies ends in stillbirth, even in otherwise healthy pregnancies. Of mothers who have lost a baby to stillbirth in the third trimester, 50% reported a perceived gradual decline in fetal movement several days prior to the death of their baby. This indicates that many cases of stillbirth are not sudden. There may be time to save your baby if you are aware of the warning signs.

Why do I need to track movement when I can hear my baby's heartbeat with a Doppler device?

A change of the baby’s heartbeat is one of the last things to occur when a baby is in distress, whereas decreased movement is an early sign. Daily movement monitoring allows you to detect a change which may indicate potential problems before actual changes in the heart rate are detected. By the time the heart slows, it may be too late. The time between decreased movement and decreased heart rate may be the only time you have to save your baby.

When should I contact my healthcare provider?

You can go directly to Labor & Delivery triage anytime without calling your healthcare provider. They are available 24/7 to check on you and your baby. Do not wait if there are significant changes in your baby’s movements or no movement at all. Do not worry about “bothering” your hospital/providers. It is their job to take care of you and your baby. They are on your team.

What should I do if my baby is moving less or not moving at all?

If you think your baby’s movements have slowed down or stopped, go to Labor and Delivery triage at the nearest hospital immediately. They are there to help you - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Don't put off getting checked until the next day or wait until your next scheduled appointment. A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. When a baby is unwell, their movements slow down to conserve energy. There is usually only a short window of time to help a baby in distress, so get checked immediately.

What can I expect when I report a change in movement?

You will be asked to describe your baby's movements. Your baby's heart rate will be monitored using an NST (non-stress test), usually for at least 20 minutes. You can request to stay on for longer, or to also have an ultrasound (biophysical profile, or BPP) if you are not feeling reassured. You should NOT be discharged until you are happy with baby's movements again. DO NOT GO HOME if you are not feeling reassured or something just doesn't feel right. Trust your instincts.

What if I notice a change in my baby’s movements again?

You should go to Labor & Delivery triage, however many times it happens. Even if everything was normal last time, your baby needs to be checked again. Even if it's the same day! You are ALWAYS doing the right thing by getting your baby checked.

If my baby's movements change does it mean my baby is definitely unwell?

Not at all! Checks by medical professionals usually find that everything is OK. Most women who report one or more episodes of reduced movement go on to have a healthy baby and straightforward pregnancy. However, it's important to be checked to make sure the change isn't because your baby is one of the few that are unwell. Reporting concerns about your baby's movements could save their life or your own.

Do babies kick less near the end of pregnancy?

NO! Toward the end of pregnancy your baby may move differently. You may feel less sharp kicking and more rolling. However, if you are monitoring the baby’s movements at the same time each day, it should take about the same amount of time to feel 10 movements, and your baby's movements should continue to feel strong and follow their usual patterns over the day. Call your healthcare provider right away if you notice a change in your baby’s movement.

Should I prompt my baby to move?

Research shows that daily fetal movement is best monitored without interventions like juice, candy, or drinking ice water. If you ever have concerns about your baby's movement, trying to prompt your baby can cause a delay in getting your baby checked out. For these reasons, trying to make your baby move isn't recommended. Some babies move more or less than others, and whatever is normal for *your* baby is what matters. If your baby's movements are concerning you, go to Labor & Delivery triage and get checked out immediately.

Should I use a phone app or Home Doppler to check the baby's heartbeat?

Apps and home dopplers are only for fun - if you have concerns about your baby's wellbeing, please don't use any device to check your baby's heartbeat, just go get checked out. The presence of a heartbeat alone does not mean your baby is well - you both need to be checked by a healthcare professional if you're worried.

I called my doctor/nurse, and they said to drink juice/water or to eat something to get my baby moving.

As it can cause a delay in getting your baby checked out, trying to make your baby move isn't recommended. If your baby's movements are concerning you, go to Labor & Delivery triage and get checked out immediately. A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. When a baby is unwell, their movements slow down to conserve energy. There is usually only a short window of time to help a baby in distress, so don't waste time with juice/snacks - just go get checked immediately. You do not need permission to go to the hospital - it's open 24/7 to help you and your baby.

What should I do if I notice crazy, wild, jerky, or frenzied fetal movements?

While a steady increase in movements throughout pregnancy generally implies a healthy and growing baby, a sudden rapid increase in movements from a baby's normal pattern - or anything that feels very different - can be a warning sign that the baby needs help and should be checked immediately.

What should I do if my baby’s kicks aren’t as strong as usual but I’m still feeling kicks?

Weaker kicks are considered a change in movement and could be a sign that your baby is conserving energy because they are unwell. Go into Labor & Delivery triage immediately. They are available 24/7 for you and your baby to get checked. Don't put off getting checked until the next day or wait until your next scheduled appointment. A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. There is usually only a short window of time to help a baby in distress, so get checked immediately.

As long as my baby is kicking, everything is fine, right?

While feeling movement is a good sign, you also need to be aware of what's normal for your baby - in particular the strength of baby's movements, how long it typically takes them to get to 10 kicks, and their patterns including their usualy types of movement and when they are active over the course of each day. If your baby’s movements are not as strong as normal, if they have slowed down, become frenzied, or changed at all, your baby needs to get checked out immediately by Labor & Delivery. The hospital is available 24/7 to keep you and your baby safe. Don't put off getting checked until the next day or wait until your next scheduled appointment. A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. When a baby is unwell, their movements may slow down to conserve energy. A baby in distress can also have a wild surge of movement that does not feel normal. There is usually only a short window of time to help a baby in distress, so get checked immediately if you have any concerns.

I have an anterior placenta. I don’t feel my baby moving as much any more. Is that due to the anterior placenta?

An anterior placenta can make it harder for some women to feel their baby's movements, but what's important is knowing what's normal for your baby in this pregnancy. Even with an anterior placenta, your baby’s movement should not slow down or become less strong than it usually is. This is considered a change in movement and your baby needs to be checked out at Labor & Delivery triage. The hospital is available 24/7 to keep you and your baby safe. Even if you suspect that it's just your anterior placenta getting in the way, if you are feeling concerned, don't put off getting checked until the next day or wait until your next scheduled appointment. A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. When a baby is unwell, their movements may slow down to conserve energy. A baby in distress can also have a wild surge of movement that does not feel normal. There is usually only a short window of time to help a baby in distress, so get checked immediately.

My question wasn't covered here. What should I do if I am concerned about my baby’s movements?

Go into Labor & Delivery triage immediately if you notice any changes or have any concerns about your baby's wellbeing or your own. The hospital is available 24/7 to keep you and your baby safe. Don't put off getting checked until the next day or wait until your next scheduled appointment. A change in movements can be an early sign and sometimes the ONLY warning sign that your baby needs help. When a baby is unwell, their movements may slow down to conserve energy. A baby in distress can also have a wild surge of movement that does not feel normal. There is usually only a short window of time to help a baby in distress, so get checked immediately.

REMEMBER: No one knows your baby or your body better than YOU! Trust your instincts, and when in doubt, get checked out.
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