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Current Calls To Action


Your voice matters. Together we can #endpreventablestillbirth

Allie Felker
Director of Policy


Please join us in legislative advocacy!


Check below for current legislation efforts and instructions to write or call your representatives! Volunteer to help improve your state!


Together, we can make a difference and #endpreventablestillbirth



Together, we can create change.

Stillbirth doesn't have to happen. Research has shown that 25% of all stillbirths could be prevented (and nearly half at term). 


The US has done little to prevent this tragedy. Systematic flaws such as racism, paternalism, poor data collection and the taboo nature of this topic perpetuate this neglected public health crisis. 


Together we can end preventable stillbirth.


Join our mailing list to receive updates on our advocacy and learn how you can raise your voice. 


Donate to support our efforts


#unitedwepush For Families, For Babies, For Change.

Parents Advocate to the NICHD

Contact your representatives

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Check this page for current legislative efforts that you can support with a quick call, email, or social media post!

More info on:
SHINE for Autumn Act (National)


The bipartisan, bicameral Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act was reintroduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate on July 27, 2023 aiming to lower the stillbirth rate in America.

We need your help NOW to get this historic legislation passed!


We don't need to tell you just how important this is. Check out this 1-page summary for an overview of how the SHINE for Autumn Act will help families obtain critical information to save babies' lives and visit to read more.


In short, the SHINE Act would:


  1. Provide needed resources not available today to the CDC, NIH, and states to standardize and improve stillbirth data collection and invest in research so we can better understand stillbirth in the United States, with the goal of lowering the U.S. stillbirth rate

  2. Develop, and make publicly available, educational awareness materials on stillbirth to increase education and awareness around the issue of stillbirth to prevent it when possible

  3. Train additional Perinatal Pathologists to address the shortage of qualified experts in the US to investigate the causes of stillbirth (a critical hurdle to improving research)

  4. Requests dedicated, timely reporting from the Surgeon General and HHS Secretary


These are the first crucial steps to mobilizing our nation around stillbirth prevention, and we are hopeful that the SHINE Act will, for the first time, establish a true federal & state partnership to end preventable stillbirth in the US.


Support the SHINE for Autumn Act

Become a SHINE Star!

We need advocates in each state to help network with other families, maternal health organizations, bereavement groups and providers to help us build a powerful coalition to push the bill through. 


We're thankful for the passion and leadership of the SHINE Stars, many who are bereaved parents and PUSH Changemakers pushing for change in memory of their children. 


Contact Congress

Fill out this form to contact your members of Congress and urge them to support the SHINE for Autumn Act!

RALLY SUPPORT by following @SHINEforstillbirth, sharing their posts and telling your friends on social media who you're SHINE-ing for!  


#SHINEforStillbirth #UnitedWePUSH

Title V

Maternal and Child Stillbirth Prevention Act

Amendments to Title V (H.R. 4581 / S. 2231)


The Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act is a bipartisan, bicameral bill. The co-leads in Congress are Congresswoman Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa), Congresswoman Alma Adams (D-North Carolina), Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) and Senator Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana). We at PUSH are proud to endorse this bipartisan Act (H.R. 4581) which will amend Title V, the Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant of the Social Security Act. This provides funding to support the well-being of mothers, children, and their families. The Maternal and Child Health Stillbirth Prevention Act will clarify that stillbirth prevention activities are an allowable use of funds under Title V to encourage more states to prioritize stillbirth prevention programs.

We Need Your Help!

We need to let Congress know that stillbirth is a crisis, that it *IS* preventable, and that it is time for change!


Here is how you can help:


1) Fill out this simple form to contact your members of Congress and share your support for the bill with your legislators.


​2) Ask your friends & family to do the same!


3) Share your experience on social media to raise awareness!



Stay tuned for updates on the Maternal & Child #StillbirthPreventionAction here, in our newsletter & @healthybirthdayinc on social media. 

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After Stillbirth

Tell New York State to DO THE RIGHT THING and pass A9635A/S9388 to close the dangerous loophole stripping stillbirth moms & birthing people of their promised paid time off to heal after stillbirth! 

New York Paid Family Leave

Current Paid Family Leave Policy does not include parents who have experienced stillbirth.


Birthing parents are forced into financially difficulty when they should be spending the time healing their bodies.

It's time for change



A9635A/S9388  authored by Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato and State Senator Shelley Mayer amends NY Paid Family Leave Policy to include stillbirth parents. 


The re-introduced bill would amend worker's compensation law to provide paid family leave following a stillbirth.

Latest Updates & ACTIONS:

Cassidy Perrone has been the driving force behind the stillborn bill & PUSH has been supporting her with her efforts.


In 2022, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, she gave birth to her daughter who was tragically stillborn.


"The very next day I received a call from my current employer stating that New York had reached out to let me know that my previously approved paid family leave application was being revoked because the baby had died," Perrone has explained to ABC 7.


Learn more in this blog post.

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We will not give up-

And we need your voice
Pose at Protest

Your Support Saves Lives.

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