Can't make it to DC to march with us on 10/15 at The Big PUSH to End Preventable Stillbirth?
Never fear! No matter where you are, you can push your empty stroller to call for change! Here's how:

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...Live Stream/Recording
...Virtual Participation w/ #bigpush2022
Live Stream
Yes! The FULL EVENT will be livestreamed and recorded! Check it out on YouTube at
Video not working? Head directly to YouTube:
Full speaker schedule can be found on the DC details page. Also don't miss our Live Coverage on social media on 10/15! Follow @pushpregnancy
Note: during the Celebration of Life, livestream audio may be silenced by YouTube due to music streaming rights issues. But no worries - you can celebrate from anywhere with the #BigPUSH2022 Playlist on Spotify! Check it out here:
Be a Virtual Participant with #bigpush2022!
Show your support from WHEREVER you are! It's easy!!
Just take a photo or video, and share to your favorite social media platforms with #bigpush2022! Be sure to tag @pushpregnancy so we can share to the big screen in DC! (Look for yourself on the YouTube Livestream/Recording! Link coming soon!)
Creativity welcome, but numbers are more important! The *ONLY* requirement is to use #bigpush2022 - we're tallying the posts to show our medical and gov't leaders that preventable stillbirth is a national crisis and that every stillborn baby #StillCounts!
Some optional ideas for your post:
Push an empty stroller or carry an empty infant carrier
Hold a photo or other memento (teddy bear, blanket, hat, onesie, etc.) of a stillborn baby you love
Create a sign (or use our handy printables!) to share who (or what!) you're pushing for (birth equity, all babies born still, GBS babies, etc.!)
Tag your friends and family, and ask them to post in honor of your baby, too!
Highlight an appalling stillbirth fact - lots of shareable graphics here!
Other hashtags: #UnitedWePush #EndPreventableStillbirth [Your Baby's Name] #StillCounts
Don't forget to watch the livestream/recording!!! Available on YouTube at
Join a Satellite March Near YOU!
There are several Satellite Events happening across the US where you can gather with other stillbirth prevention advocates to make our babies' voices heard! Full details about each below or on the Event Map:
Colorado (Denver) - Hosted by PLIDA & Return to Zero: HOPE. Start Time: 7:00 AM @ Sheraton Denver Downtown. More info at (note: you must register for the conference!)
Florida (Melbourne) - Hosted by PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy. Start Time: 9:00 AM @ March across Melbourne Causeway. More info TBA soon due to Hurricane Ian flooding!
Iowa (Des Moines) - Hosted by Healthy Birth Day Inc./Count the Kicks. Start Time: 9:15 AM @ Gray's Lake Park. More info at [Facebook event page coming soon to]
Missouri (Kansas City) - Hosted by PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy/Measure The Placenta/Count the Kicks. Start Time: 7:00 PM @ Union Station. More info at
New Jersey (Trenton) - Hosted by 2 Degrees Foundation. Start Time: 1:00 PM @ State Annex House. More info at
New York (Albany) - Hosted by PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy. Start Time: 1:30 PM @ East Capitol Park. More info at [Facebook event page coming soon!]
New York (Rockland Lake) - Hosted by PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy. Start Time: 1:30 PM @ Congers Lake Memorial Park. More info at
Texas (Houston) - Hosted by Shades of Blue Project. [More info coming soon!]
Virginia (Chesapeake) - Hosted by Kennedy's Angel Gowns. Start Time: 10:15 AM @ Dismal Swamp Trail. More info at (5K Angel Run)
Virginia (Petersburg) - Hosted by Elijah's Purpose. Start Time: 10:00 AM @ Ettrick Park. More info at
Wisconsin (Beloit) - Hosted by Amir's Angels & Healing Our Hearts. Start Time: 4:00 PM @ Harry Moore Pavillion at Riverside Park. More info at
Wisconsin (Madison) - Hosted by Alana Rose Foundation & Healing Our Hearts. Start Time: 5:30 PM @ Wisconsin State Capitol. More info at
No event near you? It's not too late to host one!! Check out our Satellite Event Organizer Toolkit for more details. Please submit your event ASAP here *and* email to get listed on the website!
Full Event Map: (Note: not available on Mobile, sorry!!)
IMPORTANT - Deadline for Name Reading Ceremony
If you or someone you love is a bereaved parent, please make sure that the baby you are missing is included in our Name Reading Ceremony!
On Saturday 10/15 in DC during the Empty Stroller March, while the marchers are pushing their empty strollers past Congress we'll be reading the names of stillborn babies aloud from the stage and livestreaming for the world to witness. (YouTube Livestream/Recording link coming soon!)
Every stillborn baby deserves to be acknowledged, because every single child #StillCounts. Help us make our babies' voices heard!
PLEASE MAKE SURE TO RSVP BY 𝗠̶𝗢̶𝗡̶𝗗̶𝗔̶𝗬̶ ̶𝗢̶𝗖̶𝗧̶ ̶𝟭̶𝟬̶𝗧̶𝗛̶ WED OCT 12TH @ 11 AM EASTERN to get your baby on the list! All names MUST be submitted through the Eventbrite registration page (for DC, Satellite, and Virtual Participants!):
Please help us spread the word and tell your babyloss friends! (Yes, unpreventable stillbirths and other types of pregnancy/infant losses besides stillbirth are welcome to be included! It *is* October 15th Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day, after all!)
Don't forget to watch the livestream/recording!!! Available on YouTube at
No matter where you are located, THANK YOU for your dedication to ending preventable stillbirth. Enough is enough - change is here.
#UnitedWePush For Families, For Babies, For Change.
More information: